Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 9- How you hope your future will be like

Ok. So pretend that this is from yesterday and that I didn't forget and get too busy with steel drum practice. Then after you are finished pretending, visit our steel drum website and see how awesome we are


How I hope my future will be like. I am pretty sure I answered this question already. I told you all what I wanted to be doing in ten years. How is that different from my future? Do they mean my immediate future. Like what I want to do today? this week? in the next few months? I can definitely tell you that!

Today- I am going to Petsmart to buy cat litter for the crazy animals at my house. I also plan on getting a newspaper and clipping some coupons. A little down the list of importance is to clean my room and clean out my closet. I think I really need to do those things but they are never pleasant. I also need to repair a few instruments and take a walk or ride my bike. Lastly, I also plan to seriously consider taking a nap. I miss naps. I should take them more often.

This week- is going to be busy. I have to deliver some instruments to a school, finish more repairs, go to a meeting for my school, take care of my nephews (while sister goes to Harry Potter), and play a gig for my awesome steel drum band at Lake Lanier Islands. Whew!!

In the next few months, I plan on taking a trip to California, going to DC to visit Michael's brother, starting school, teaching band camp, continuing to exercise and be healthy!

I hope you have enjoyed my future! I'll write today's post later.

Have a blessed morning and thanks for reading my blog!

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