Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 27 A problem you have had

I am not going to lie. I had a problem remembering to write this blog yesterday! Ha ha!

Seriously, I do have problems. Some are minor and some border on major but nothing that cannot be overcome. One of my biggest problems is that I am a perfectionist. I am not a perfectionist in every way just in some. For example, my house is NEVER 100% clean. It is usually tidy but not wiped down with Clorox. I can handle having a little dust here and there. But I am a perfectionist in things that I put my mind to accomplish. I am a perfectionist at my job. I want to do my job to the best of my abilities. I go "all out" at work. You know I take that back. I think I am not necessarily a perfectionist but a first try perfectionist. I like to do things really well the first time. I try very hard to make everything perfect so that I don't have to do it again. I don't think there is a word for that. Is that a problem? It is if you work in an instrument repair shop and the tools and instruments you are working with don't cooperate with you and you have to try a repair multiple times. I think that sentence was also a problem. I also think it is a problem that I am rambling so I'm done for now.

Have a great evening and thanks for reading!

As a side note, I have to put my 30 day challenge on hold for a few days because I will be away from the computer. I promise to return and finish the challenge. Thanks for reading!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 26- What kind of person attracts you?

I am looking at what attracts me. He is sitting right here next to me on the couch. He is loving, kind, honest, smart, funny, tall, handsome, strong, loyal, and he's also my hubby!

Have a great evening and thanks for reading!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 25- Someone who fascinates you and why

I have been thinking about this topic for awhile. I can't think of anyone that really fascinates me. Seriously. I think I need more time to think about it. The best I could come up with was Jessica Simpson and I really don't know why she fascinates me. There is just something about her. I realize that is a lame-o answer so I promise to consider my answer and get back with you later.

Have a great evening and thanks for reading!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 24- Your favorite movie and what it's about.

My favorite movie is kind of a hard thing to pin down. I have several favorites. There are movies that have great special effects. Movies that have a great story line. Movies that draw you in to their magical tales. Then there are movies that live with you for a long time after you have seen them. Those, to me, are the best. The first movie that really stayed with me was "Top Gun". I know it doesn't seem to be the greatest movie of all time but I liked it and I was little. The next movie that was in the "great" category was "Steel Magnolias". What can I say? I am a Georgia girl after all and Julia is from the ATL! Then there was "Forrest Gump". I was so moved by this movie that I couldn't move from the theater. And around the same time is the movie that I will watch for the rest of my life, "Sense and Sensibility". It is a beautiful tale and I love it! There are others that I will always turn to as favorites: "A League of Their Own", "Sleepless in Seattle", "Groundhog Day", "Harry Potter", "Lord of the Rings", and I am sure I am forgetting some. But if I had to pick just one, I would say "Sense and Sensibility". Here is a summary from wikipedia:

The story is about Elinor and Marianne, two daughters of Mr Dashwood by his second wife. They have a younger sister, Margaret, and an older half-brother named John. When their father dies, the family estate passes to John, and the Dashwood women are left in reduced circumstances. The novel follows the Dashwood sisters to their new home, a cottage on a distant relative's property, where they experience both romance and heartbreak. The contrast between the sisters' characters is eventually resolved as they each find love and lasting happiness. Through the events in the novel, Elinor and Marianne encounter the sense and sensibility of life and love.

You should watch it and see how hot Alan Rickman was before he was Snape.

Have a blessed evening and thanks for reading my blog!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 23- Give pictures of five guys who are famous who you think are attractive

Five famous guys that are too cute for words:
  1. Harry Connick Jr.
  2. Hugh Jackman
  3. Orlando Bloom
  4. Eric Bana
  5. Eric Dane


Have a blessed evening and thanks for reading!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 22 How have you changed in the last two years?

I have learned to eat healthier in the last two years. I made a conscience effort to search out healthy recipes and read about foods that are nutritious for my body. This change in my diet has been a slow process over the last 5 years, really. I think it was a decision that I made after my dad passed away. He never ate healthy a day in his life and he died at 58 (not that he died from his eating habits). I wanted to live long enough to see my children grow up and play with my grandchildren. Over the last year I have trimmed my weight by 25 pounds and am feeling great about it. Michael has lost 60 pounds and looks like a teenager again. He finally grasped portion control and figured out that he can't eat as much as he did when he was actually a teenager. I have also been learning a lot about healthy foods and how to cook them. Introducing zucchini, squash, peppers, almond milk, whole grains, and greens into our diet has helped our health tremendously. I am sure there are other things about me that have changed but this is the biggest one.

Have a blessed evening and thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 21- One of your favorite shows

Do I have to pick just one? One of my favorite shows? Current? Former? All time? Drama? Comedy? Guilty Pleasure? Ok, since there are multiple categories I think I should pick one from each :)

Current Favorite Drama: Parenthood
Current Favorite Comedy: The Big Bang Theory

Cancelled too soon Favorite Drama: The Gilmore Girls (I know it was on for 7 seasons but that was not enough!)
Cancelled too soon Favorite Comedy: Mad Love

Favorite all time Drama: Lost
Favorite all time Comedy: Friends

Favorite Guilty Pleasure: Charmed
Favorite Reality Show: The Biggest Loser

Is that enough of my favorites? I hope so. Let me know if you need to know more about me ;)

Have a blessed evening and thanks for reading!